Building Meaningful Friendships and Romantic Relationships
Have you ever stopped to think about what makes a truly meaningful relationship—whether it’s with your bestie, a partner, or even someone you’d like to know better? It’s something we all crave, right? Those deep, genuine connections that make us feel seen, loved, and appreciated. But let’s be real: relationships (of any kind) aren’t exactly something you can throw together like instant noodles. They take care, effort, and just the right amount of seasoning (a.k.a. vulnerability and humour).
Here are a few thoughts and tips I’d share with you if we were sitting together over coffee or, let’s be honest, a massive bowl of fries:
1. Start With Courage
Let’s face it, putting yourself out there can be scary. Initiating friendships or romantic relationships often means risking rejection. But guess what? That’s part of the magic. The courage to say, “Hey, I like your vibe—let’s hang out!” or even, “You wanna grab coffee sometime?” can open doors to the best people in your life. And if they’re not interested? That’s okay—you’re one step closer to finding those who are.
2. Be Curious, Not Judgy
People are like onions (cue the Shrek reference): they’ve got layers. Take the time to ask questions, listen, and really learn about what makes someone tick. What lights them up? What makes them laugh? The more you approach others with curiosity instead of judgment, the more they’ll feel comfortable sharing who they really are.
3. Practice Compassion
We all mess up. Whether it’s a dumb joke, a forgotten text, or a bad mood day, relationships thrive on grace. Be quick to forgive and even quicker to say, “I’m sorry.” Bonus points if you add a hug—or chocolate! Compassion doesn’t just smooth over rough patches; it deepens trust.
4. Have Your Own Life
This one’s big. Healthy relationships, whether friendships or romantic, don’t mean merging into one person (no matter how many rom-coms tell you otherwise). Keep your hobbies, your passions, and your alone time. When you both have rich, fulfilling lives outside of the relationship, you bring more to the table—and there’s always something new to share.
5. Invest in the Small Things
It’s not always about grand gestures. A quick text that says, “Thinking of you,” an inside joke, or showing up with their favourite coffee can mean the world. Relationships are built in these small, consistent moments of care.
6. Be Real
Drop the filters—figuratively and literally. Meaningful relationships only happen when you’re willing to show the real you. The quirky you, the slightly messy you, the “oops, I said something awkward again” you. When you’re authentic, you give others permission to be real too.
7. Know When to Walk Away
Not every relationship is meant to last forever, and that’s okay. If a friendship or romantic relationship feels one-sided, draining, or toxic, it’s worth re-evaluating. Letting go doesn’t mean you’ve failed; it means you’re making space for better connections.
8. Celebrate the Wins
Lastly, celebrate your people! Cheer for their victories, no matter how small. Tell them how much they mean to you, and don’t save it for special occasions. Life’s too short not to love loudly.
The truth is, building meaningful relationships is a little messy, a little scary, and 100% worth it. At the end of the day, we’re all just humans trying to find our people—and the effort you put in will come back to you in the most beautiful ways.
Now, go text that friend or plan that date—you’ve got this!
Much love,