Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: With Heart, Humility, and a Little Humour

We all have those pesky little voices in our heads that tell us we can’t do something. You know the ones: “I’m not smart enough,” “I’m too old to start,” or my personal favourite, “Who am I kidding? I can’t pull off skinny jeans.” These are what we call limiting beliefs, and they can stop us from living our best lives—unless we face them head-on, with heart, humility, and a bit of humour.

What Are Limiting Beliefs, Anyway?

Limiting beliefs are the sneaky stories we tell ourselves that convince us we’re not capable of reaching our goals. They’re like the grumpy old neighbour who tells you to keep it down when you’re just trying to have a little fun in life. These beliefs often come from past experiences, failures, or the well-meaning (but misguided) advice of others. The good news? Just like that grumpy neighbour, you don’t have to listen to them.

Step 1: Have Some Heart—Because You’re Worth It

The first step in overcoming limiting beliefs is giving yourself some compassion. We’re all human, and we all have doubts. Instead of beating yourself up for having these beliefs, take a deep breath and acknowledge them with kindness. They’re there for a reason, even if that reason is outdated.

For example, maybe you didn’t do so hot in school, and now you’re convinced you’re “not smart enough” for that promotion. But guess what? That was then, and this is now. You’ve grown, learned, and changed. Show yourself some love—because if anyone deserves to be in your corner, it’s you.

Step 2: Humility—But Not the Self-Deprecating Kind

Humility is a funny thing. It’s not about putting yourself down (trust me, the world’s already got enough critics), but rather about recognising that it’s okay to not have all the answers. We’re all a work in progress, and there’s no shame in that.

So, the next time you hear that voice saying, “You’ll never be good at this,” respond with a humble, “Well, maybe not yet—but I’m learning.” Because honestly, no one’s born knowing how to do everything. Even superheroes had a learning curve (ever seen baby Superman try to fly?). So, be humble enough to learn, but never let humility turn into self-doubt.

Step 3: Humour—Because Let’s Be Real, We’re All a Little Ridiculous

Now, let’s talk about one of the best tools for overcoming limiting beliefs: humour. There’s nothing like a good laugh to make those fear-filled thoughts feel less intimidating.

Next time your brain tells you something absurd, like “You can’t handle that presentation,” counter it with an even more ridiculous thought: “Oh yeah? And I can’t be an astronaut either, but you don’t see me losing sleep over it!” Putting things into perspective with a touch of humour can make those limiting beliefs feel smaller and more manageable. Plus, a little laughter goes a long way toward lightening the load.

Winding Up

At the end of the day, overcoming limiting beliefs takes heart, humility, and a good sense of humour. You don’t need to be perfect (who is?), and you definitely don’t need to have it all figured out. The trick is to meet yourself with kindness, stay open to learning, and remember to laugh along the way.

So, next time that inner critic starts yapping, remind yourself that you’re stronger, smarter, and far more capable than those old, tired beliefs give you credit for. And if all else fails, have a good laugh about it—because life’s too short to take yourself too seriously.