As Charles R. Swindoll said, “The longer I live, the more I realise the impact of attitude on life.” Attitude is more important than facts. We cannot change our past or the fact that people will act in a certain way, but we can control our attitude. Cultivating a positive work attitude is crucial if you want to increase your chances of success at work. While there are no formulas for this, here are five quick tips that can help you immediately.
1. Adopt a “Can Do” attitude.
Co-workers who are always negative and do not think things can be done can affect the morale of the company and waste precious time. Instead of saying, “This cannot be done,” figure out a way to complete the task at hand. Say, “It looks tough, let me see what I can do.”

2. Never say die.
When faced with setbacks, never give up. Failure only happens when you give up. When you continue to slog against all odds, that effort will pay off regardless of the success of the project. Develop a never-say-die attitude at work, and you will be cultivating a good general work attitude that is a competitive advantage to your team.
3. Do not complain.
Complaining is a bad habit and can be detrimental to your career success. When you complain, nothing positive comes out of it. Instead of complaining, discuss the issue if you really feel that it is affecting your work. When you discuss, there is a next step in what you can do about the situation.
4. Work hard.
There are no shortcuts to success. If you are serious about pursuing career success, then you cannot neglect working hard. When cultivating a good general work attitude, consider working hard. It means doing extra to make sure a job is done with pride, surpassing the basic qualities, as it has your name and reputation on it.
5. Be organised.
If you are organised, you will become efficient, allowing your employer to consider giving you more responsibility. This is because they know you would be able to complete them on time and make more efficient use of your time.
Cultivating a positive work attitude can determine your career success. If you are serious about your career success, then it is time to consider your attitudes in the workplace. As Douglas Adams said, “To give real service, you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” By adopting a positive attitude, you can enhance your integrity and provide real service to your organization.