
“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue but the parent of all other virtues”. Marcus Tullius Cicero When the movie Flashdance was released, with its hit song "Feelings", it left people thinking about and discussing all aspects of freedom of expression, healthy differences and how people process emotion. This article may make you feel slightly uneasy as it asks something of you (remember, "life begins at the end of your comfort zone"). It asks that you be prepared to fully allow yourself to tap into, and acknowledge, how you truly feel. With a host of things that will help us become “HEALthier”, this one is right up there. Our feelings are signals. It is our body’s way of helping us get information about our internal or external environment. Feelings, like most things, if left unchecked, can control us, and we can become an emotional wreck, or we can learn to read the signs and act on them before we get lost. I fully believe, that...