Cultivating a Growth Mindset: From “I Can’t” to “I Can...Eventually!”

Have you ever stared down at a task, muttered a resounding “I can’t,” and shuffled off to Netflix, chocolate, or a nice, safe nap? Welcome to the club. But don’t get too comfy, because today, we’re upgrading from “I can’t” to “I can… eventually!” A growth mindset is the art (and science) of seeing potential in the impossible, the impractical, or, let’s face it, the mildly inconvenient. It’s about embracing challenges, learning from mistakes, and growing into a person who can laugh in the face of failure—or at least chuckle awkwardly before giving it another go. Here are five steps to get you growing: 1. Embrace the Beauty of Yet When you tell yourself, “I’m not good at this,” tack on a little word that makes all the difference: yet. “I can’t do algebra... yet .” “I haven’t mastered the art of parallel parking... yet. ” This tiny addition can transform your outlook faster than a cat video lifts your mood. Yet is a declaration of possibility—and who doesn’t love a bit of suspense in the...