Habits for Success and Consistency: The Secret Sauce (Without the Calories)

Ever wonder why some people seem to have their lives together? Like, how are they managing to eat healthy, work out, excel at their job, and still have time to binge-watch an entire series on Netflix? Well, let me let you in on a little secret—it’s not magic (or some secret clone army). It’s all about habits! Yep, those tiny little actions we do every day can either lead us to success or... another episode of procrastination. So, how do you build habits for success and consistency that even your future self will thank you for? Let’s break it down, with a little humour to keep things fun. 1. Start Small (Rome Wasn’t Built on a Monday Morning) We’ve all been there. You wake up on a Monday, inspired to change your life: “This is it! Today I’m going to start my 5am workout routine, eat only kale salads, and write that novel!” And by Wednesday, you’re back to pressing snooze, eating pizza, and watching cat videos. Sound familiar? Here’s the thing: small changes stick. Instead of aiming to c...