Prefer video? See below: Stage 8: Facing the Ordeal Facing the Ordeal is a pivotal stage of the Hero's Journey where you confront your deepest fears, hidden wounds, and formidable challenges. It serves as the second threshold, surpassing the difficulty of the initial Crossing of the Threshold. During this stage, you come face to face with the negative energies that have hindered your progress, gaining a profound understanding of their true magnitude and influence. Whether it's a person, a challenging circumstance, or an internal obstacle, you must confront and conquer it head-on. Think about someone in your life whom you have been avoiding but need to confront for your growth. Alternatively, consider a situation you have been evading that requires your attention and action. It is also essential to recognise and challenge the limiting beliefs that arise when facing the ordeal. Identify the one thing that is currently hindering you the most from attaining your desired "treas...