Prefer video? See below: Stage 4: Meeting the Mentor As you embark on your journey of personal growth and transformation, it's incredible how the world responds to your commitment to change. When you wholeheartedly decide to move forward, you'll often find that a mentor appears in your life (it’s not magic, it’s because you’ve latched your reticular-activating system onto an intent and now your brain is filtering reality to gather information to support your intent). This mentor can take various forms—a person who crosses your path, a book that captivates your attention, or even a YouTube video that resonates deeply. Keep your senses attuned as you go about your day, and be open to recognising the mentors that seemingly appear out of nowhere, offering the much-needed support and guidance you can utilise. Perhaps it's the stranger you strike up a conversation with while buying coffee, or a song on the radio during your commute to work that provides inspiration. It could be a...