Prefer video? See below: Your Journey Begins…Stage 1: The Ordinary World Sometimes, a soft, small voice inside your head gently whispers that you are not entirely happy and that life is not quite where you want it to be. You can’t quite pinpoint the source of this feeling, but it lingers within you, nudging you to explore beyond your current circumstances. Where are you in your Hero’s Journey right now? Take a moment to reflect. Are you genuinely content with where you are? Or do you sense that something is not aligned with your desires? Do you feel the need for change? Perhaps, it’s your environment that needs a shift, or maybe it’s within yourself that the transformation must begin. Trust that intuitive feeling deep within you; it is urging you to embrace the possibility of a better day, year, and life. Listen attentively to the voice that sets you apart from your ordinary world, for it asks you to take a risk on yourself. It invites you to step out in faith and embark on your Hero’...