Life Events Happen…but how does that impact your resume? Creating a resume that will impress potential employers is no easy task. It can be especially challenging when you have some potential land mines in your resume that could cause concern for a hiring manager. It is important to identify these potential issues and address them in your resume. Employers are looking for reasons to weed out potential candidates. They want to hire someone who is low-risk and will be an asset to their company. They don’t want to hire someone who may cause problems or be unreliable. This is why it’s important to make sure that your resume doesn’t contain any land mines that could cause concern. One of the most common land mines is large gaps in time between jobs. This could be due to a number of reasons such as taking time off for personal development or being a caregiver. It’s important to address these gaps in your resume by explaining what you were doing during that time. This will show the employer t...