The Present: The current moment is where our better future begins. The past has given us a wealth of memories and experiences and the present gives us a chance to use them wisely. The present gives us a chance to create an exciting future. The promise of this future demands that we pay a price in the present. The opportunity of the current moment must be embraced or the rewards of the future will be withheld. Our goals and ambitions of the past are bringing to us present rewards. If our current rewards are small, then our past efforts were small. And if today’s effort is small, the future reward will be small as well. Each day brings 1,440 minutes; 86,400 ticks off the clock. Both the poor and the wealthy have the same 24 hours of opportunity. What will you do with yours? How well we use the day is largely a function of attitude. Right attitude we can seize the day and make a new beginning. Each new day offers the opportunity for change. We can adopt a new attitude of who we are, ...