I would like to start a series on the Principles of Success. In starting this journey, we must start with our personal Philosophy. A major factor in how our lives turn out is how we think. When we combine what we know with the process of how we came to know it, we start to create our personal philosophy. Many sources contribute to this philosophy, and as adults we filter all information through this lens we have created over the years. So anything that contradicts our beliefs is often quickly rejected. Our beliefs determine our value systems. Our beliefs lead us to what we believe is valuable and how we spend our time, money, and energy is based on these values. Our personal philosophy is like the large sail on a sailing boat. The main thing that sets our sail is how we think, and that determines where we arrive. When the winds change, so must we. How we think and then how we respond is what creates change, positive or negative. Every experience is etched into our brains, so we need to...