"The pain of discipline is much more bearable that the pain of regret." Many people forget that they have a body, and get caught ‘upstairs’ in their heads. The value of health as a foundation to do well (and be well) is greatly underestimated and undervalued. This could largely be due to the common perception that building Physical Health is: Complicated, Inconvenient and Expensive. Ironically, media and parts of the health, medical, and fitness industry are responsible for much of the above mindset conditioning of the general public. For example, a large part of the fitness industry is heavily commercialised to its detriment. This vein and superficial focus on the body’s appearance as an illustration of health, and also of quick fixes, often conditions people in two ways: 1. The “extremist” group – we see this expressed at its most challenging through extreme ends of the scale: anorexia and bulimia, or bigorexia. Note these conditions are at the far ends of the scale. People...