We can no more afford to spend major time on minor things than we can to spend minor time on major things. Our three most precious commodities: 1) Time 2) Money 3) Personal Productivity (energy) Do you jump out of bed each morning with a plan, feeling excited about what lies ahead for your day? Or do you watch the clock hands tick by and wonder where all that time goes? It is all too easy to feel that if we are not busy working on some project or urgent thing to do, we are wasting time. How we perceive time has a mighty effect on our priorities. If we have a high priority on money for instance, then we will be driven to be more productive to try and use our time as effectively as possible in keeping with the phrase ‘time is money’. What is the price tag on time? If we live by the above phrase, then we will indeed be giving currency to time. How does that affect our confidence and self-value? This can lead to rating our self-worth by how productive we perceive that we are. Th...