"Opportunities don't happen. You create them." - Chris Grosser Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as ’Dr. Seuss was a well-renowned cartoonist and writer. He had many other pursuits before he was given a request by William Spaulding that would set Theodor’s sights in a whole new way. Theodor was asked to reduce a list of 348 words that Spaulding had compiled, believing they were the most important words for first-graders to learn, and asked Theodor to reduce the words again to 250 and write a book that would engage young readers. This task was undertaken after Life Magazine published an article about the growing issue of illiteracy stating that children weren’t reading due to books being boring. This started Theodor on a journey of great proportion with his first book (using 236 words) of this type being ‘The Cat In The Hat’. It would be a miss of us, however, to believe that Suess’s work is only for young readers. Keep reading to find the 8 keys of personal success th...